More and more of the building elements were factory built further reducing site times, thus becoming more economic to operate throughout the U.K. Panel production techniques and materials have changed and improved over the years, improving longevity and cost, but the basic principles remain the same.
The British Pig Industry attracted many overseas visitors keen to improve their own industries. This led to opportunities for building shells to be exported for local erection and fitting.
Computer technology allows accurate and speedy design, making it possible for us to deliver a fast and effective service world wide, whatever your local requirements may be. We can train erectors here in the UK or send you a qualified foreman to train local labour force.
Our standard building range has been designed to give the most cost effective building shell that fits around modern efficient pig production systems. We have several options for insulation values to take into account local climatic conditions. There are also choices of material to suit customer choice and area building regulations. If the standard range does not suit your requirement, we can design a package to suit.